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This Digitalcoin and Japanese Yen convertor is up to date with exchange rates from March 27, 2025.

Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of Digitalcoin. Use "Swap currencies" to make Japanese Yen the default currency. Click on Japanese Yen or Digitalcoins to convert between that currency and all other currencies.

The Digitalcoin is the currency in no countries. The Japanese Yen is the currency in Japan (JP, JPN, JAP). The symbol for DGC can be written DGC. The Japanese Yen is divided into 100 sen. The exchange rate for the Digitalcoin was last updated on January 15, 2020 from The exchange rate for the Japanese Yen was last updated on March 27, 2025 from The International Monetary Fund. The DGC conversion factor has 12 significant digits. The JPY conversion factor has 6 significant digits.

5.000 84
10.000 168
20.000 335
50.000 838
100.000 1675
200.000 3351
500.000 8377
1000.000 16,755
2000.000 33,509
5000.000 83,774
10,000.000 167,547
20,000.000 335,095
50,000.000 837,737
100,000.000 1,675,474
200,000.000 3,350,947
500,000.000 8,377,368
1,000,000.000 16,754,735
DGC rate
January 15, 2020
100 5.968
200 11.937
500 29.842
1000 59.685
2000 119.369
5000 298.423
10,000 596.846
20,000 1193.692
50,000 2984.231
100,000 5968.462
200,000 11,936.924
500,000 29,842.310
1,000,000 59,684.620
2,000,000 119,369.241
5,000,000 298,423.102
10,000,000 596,846.205
20,000,000 1,193,692.410
JPY rate
March 27, 2025

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