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This Ixcoin and Vertcoin convertor is up to date with exchange rates from February 10, 2025.

Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of Ixcoin. Use "Swap currencies" to make Vertcoin the default currency. Click on Vertcoins or Ixcoins to convert between that currency and all other currencies.

The Ixcoin is the currency in no countries. The Vertcoin is the currency in no countries. The symbol for IXC can be written IXC. The symbol for VTC can be written VTC. The exchange rate for the Ixcoin was last updated on July 12, 2020 from The exchange rate for the Vertcoin was last updated on December 7, 2021 from The IXC conversion factor has 12 significant digits. The VTC conversion factor has 15 significant digits.

5.000 1.1952
10.000 2.3904
20.000 4.7809
50.000 11.9522
100.000 23.9044
200.000 47.8088
500.000 119.5221
1000.000 239.0442
2000.000 478.0883
5000.000 1195.2208
10,000.000 2390.4415
20,000.000 4780.8830
50,000.000 11,952.2075
100,000.000 23,904.4150
200,000.000 47,808.8301
500,000.000 119,522.0752
1,000,000.000 239,044.1504
IXC rate
July 12, 2020
1.0000 4.183
2.0000 8.367
5.0000 20.917
10.0000 41.833
20.0000 83.667
50.0000 209.166
100.0000 418.333
200.0000 836.666
500.0000 2091.664
1000.0000 4183.328
2000.0000 8366.655
5000.0000 20,916.638
10,000.0000 41,833.276
20,000.0000 83,666.553
50,000.0000 209,166.382
100,000.0000 418,332.763
200,000.0000 836,665.527
VTC rate
December 7, 2021

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